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Media masterclass: What constitutes wise-practice media reporting on sexual harassment?

The impacts of media reporting on sexual harassment, particularly when workplaces are involved, can impact sources with lived experience for years to come.

This masterclass explores the complex decisions journalists must make when crafting a story on sexual harassment to balance the pressures of newsrooms and clickbait culture with safety of sources.

Walkley award winning journalist Nina Funnell and expert panellists Dr Bianca Fileborn, Prabha Nandagopal and Nicole Lee discuss what wise-practice media reporting on sexual harassment might look like, exploring the impacts of media reporting on survivors and their diverse experiences of sexual harassment, and what these findings mean in the context of gender equity, human rights and pathways to justice.

Responding to Respect@Work Recommendation 13 to improve media reporting on sexual harassment, this webinar functions as an official launch of Our Watch’s 12 tips for media reporting on sexual harassment.